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[综合讨论] [分享][搬运][暴雪蓝贴]探索赛季——1.15.4 PTR更新,PVP伤害百分比调整,若干bug修正[正在施工]

华为股票卖出矩 来自手机 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-9-12 05:54:02 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

今天更新了 1.15.4 PTR,新版本包括对职业和物品的更改,以及一些错误修复。

PvP 伤害减免:玩家现在受到的其他玩家和宠物的物理伤害降低 30%(之前为 20%),其他玩家和宠物受到的魔法伤害降低 40%(之前为 20%)。

  • 自然之触天赋现在可以正确地将星落的范围增加 10%/20%。
  • 这会将射程增加到 36 码,或在装备 星界专注神像时为 21 码。
  • T2套装平衡 6 件套奖励:愤怒暴击的几率增加到 50%。
  • T2套装平衡 4 件加成:触发几率增加,树人持续时间增加到 15 秒。
  • 艾露恩之火:这个符文现在在使用碎裂时将撕裂的持续时间增加 1 秒(之前为 2 秒)。
  • T2套装野性伤害 6 件套加成:现在还会增加凶猛之咬对受德鲁伊流血效果影响的目标的伤害。
  • T2套装平衡德鲁伊 4 件套在树人已激活时不再触发。
  • 这不会召唤新的 树人,但会让 触发进入内部冷却。
  • 迷梦和 风暴打击的自然伤害增加效果不再叠加。


  • T2套装近战猎人 4 件套奖励更改为将你的主手武器的猛禽打击和翼龙打击造成的伤害增加 20%(之前为主手武器伤害增加 5%)。
  • 火焰和冰霜专精戒指符文现在也分别将你击中火焰和冰霜陷阱的几率提高 6%。
  • T2套装猎人近战 2 件套现在会增加飞龙打击的持续伤害。
  • T2套装猎人近战 2 件套套装奖励 巧思打击不再被 摔绊消耗。
  • T2套装猎人近战 2 件套奖励 巧思打击 现在受益于,并被 削凿消耗。
  • T2套装猎人远程 6 件套现在可以在被奇美拉射击刷新毒蛇钉刺时正确被AP加成。
  • T1套装猎人远程 6 件套现在正确地增益爆炸射击。


  • T2套装治疗6 件加成:群体再生作用于时空信标时持续时间更改为 21 秒(之前为 30 秒)。
  • T2套装DPS 6 件加成:你的火球周期性效果在其持续时间内获得的伤害增加,等于其造成伤害的 40%(之前为 20%)。


  • 如果没有 6 件 T1套装增益,你将不能再双重审判。
  • 短窗口期内交替圣印时的审判,现在总是会审判出持续时间较短的圣印,而不是随机消耗两个圣印中的一个。
  • 愤怒圣契改为仅在 神圣震击造成伤害时获得叠加。不再因治疗而叠加。
  • 愤怒圣契变更每层伤害更改为 20%(之前为 30%)。
  • 复仇圣契改名为复仇圣契[holy_nova注:这条可以无视了” Libram of Avengement renamed to Libram of Avenging.”,问就是我东大中文的优越性。]。
  • 艾达的护身符添加了圣骑士职业限定,以表明它只能由圣骑士获得。
  • 怀真者 的触发几率,主手,单手版本,都已增加。
  • 克洛玛古斯、黑翼龙人护卫和 黑翼监工现在一直会受到神圣伤害的全额伤害。
  • T2套装DPS圣骑士 4 件套套装加成改为:审判的冷却时间减少 5 秒(原为:每当你打出一个审判与前一个不同的圣印时重置审判的冷却时间)。
  • T2套装治疗圣骑士 2 件套的神圣震击暴击率降低到 5%(之前是 20%)。
  • 圣光灌注:此符文现在在暴击时将神圣震荡的剩余冷却时间减少 3 秒(原为:完全重置)。
  • 敬畏圣契之前有bug,它没有正确地将 神圣震击的伤害降低 75%。为了防止它被错误地作为额外加成,敬畏圣契现在在装备时将所有神圣伤害降低 75%,使其成为一个纯粹的治疗圣契


  • 赞达拉的全视之眼护盾减少到 25(之前是 50)。
  • 牧师赞达拉5件套加成到盾上从 20% 降低到 10%。
  • 吸血鬼之拥:在探索赛季中,这个天赋现在治疗 5% 的暗影伤害(之前为 10%)。它仍然可以通过其他天赋增加到 15%。
  • T2套装暗影 4 件加成:现在每 1 点精神分流天赋点有 1% 的几率(之前为 0.5%)
  • T2套装暗影 6 件加成:现在所有暗影伤害增加 10%(之前仅对DOT伤害增加 20%)。
  • T2套装暗影牧师 6 件套奖励现在在套装被打破时被移除。
  • 已知bug:这套装奖励可以通过杀死带暗言术:痛的小动物来激活。这将会被修正。


  • T2套装DPS盗贼 4 件套套装加成改为:将你的主手武器从有连击点产生能力的技能造成的伤害提高 20%(之前为主手武器伤害增加 10%)。
  • 左右开弓:这个能力现在必须实际命中才能将其加成赋予招架机会和攻击力。
  • 暗影杀手:现在背刺和伏击对非玩家的伤害提高 50%(之前为 60%)。
  • 猩红风暴不再能从远处拉怪。
  • 吞噬梦境 不再每次激活时触发两次。
  • 吞噬梦境 不再为猩红风暴命中时提供 10 点能量/每个目标。


  • 元素集中现在可以正常触发超载的命中。
  • 磨难先祖图腾重新调整了预算,改为 10 AP/SP/HSP(原来为15)。
  • T2套装元素萨满 6 件套套装加成改为在施法节能时伤害增加 10%(原为当法术有施法节能时,对目标的伤害增加 10%(对非玩家控制的目标增加 30%))。这允许更多像 超载这样的效果从这个加成中受益。不再与非玩家控制的目标具有不同的值,因此与套装奖励相关的强度较低。
  • T2套装元素萨满 2 件套套装奖励现在将从超载的暴击中激活。
  • T2套装增强萨满 2 件套更改为:触发静电震击的几率增加 12%(双持时为 6%)(原为:增加漩涡武器的频率)。
  • T2套装增强萨满 6 件改为:现在每次用闪电或连锁闪电击中目标时,你的闪电护盾都会获得一次充能,最多可充能 9 次(原为:使用漩涡武器立即施放法术后获得一层漩涡武器)。此外,您的闪电护盾现在可以造成暴击伤害。
  • 燃烧:这个符文现在需要主手武器上的火舌来提供其法术伤害。它现在还为每点智力提供 1 点法术伤害(之前每级 2 点)。
  • T2套装恢复萨满 2 件套奖励将不再从治疗之雨中触发。
  • T1恢复萨满 6 件套奖励不再与 过载协同作用,并在触发时触发多个全额的治疗波,这可以触发其他也有几率激活 过载的治疗波。


  • 恶魔契约:这个符文现在也会使术士造成的所有火焰伤害提高 10%。
  • 已知问题:这将更改为所有伤害的 10%(原本仅火焰伤害)。
  • T1术士伤害 6 件套奖励:部分重新设计。火焰恍惚已被移除,现在 烧尽有 4% 的几率触发术士的 灭杀,无论目标的生命值如何。
  • 烧尽现在增加 40% 的火焰伤害(之前是 25%)。
  • 在即将到来的 PTR 版本中,混沌印记和灭杀符文将交换位置。
  • 刻有暗影烈焰的术士施加的暗影易伤现在可以正确刷新回 30 层,而无需先掉下来。
  • T1DPS术士4 件套套装奖励现在可以正确重置暗影顺劈的冷却时间。
  • T1DPS术士4 件套套装奖励现在可以正确地被暗影箭的施法消耗。
  • 当卸下 祖格 5 件套术士套装时,玩家不再保留之前增加的恶魔大师加成。
  • 祖格5 件套术士套装现在可以正确地增加 恶魔变身中恶魔大师的仇恨。
  • 已知问题:这仅适用于 恶魔守卫,目前不适用于 小鬼。
  • T2套装坦克术士 2 套装不再无视视野视线。
  • T2套装坦克术士 2 套装不再能爆击。
  • T2套装坦克术士 2 套装不再导致距离目标超过 30 码时 生命分流免费释放。


  • 愤怒护胫改为 26 力量、16 敏捷、13 耐力、10 自然抗性、1% 命中(原是 26 力量、16 耐力、10 自然抗性、1% 暴击)。
  • 愤怒肩铠改为 27 力量、14 敏捷、12 耐力、10 冰霜抗性、1% 命中(原是 27 力量、16 耐力、10 冰霜抗性、1% 暴击)。
  • T1DPS战士4 件套奖励:此套装奖励的效果持续时间现在是 15 秒(之前是 秒 [holy_nova注2:暴雪稿件错别字我就保留了])。
  • T1DPS战士6 件套奖励:此套装奖励的效果现在是 5%(之前为 10%),持续 15 秒(之前为 10 秒)。
  • T2套装DPS战士 4 件套加成:现在将 英勇的伤害提高 10%(之前:增强旋风斩并使其在所有姿态中可用)。


  • 曼多基尔 有一个短内置CD,以防止同一射击中连续触发。
  • 纳特·帕格的鱼类终结者触发率降低。
  • 兄弟会之剑耐力降低到 23(之前为 33),力量增加到 20(之前为 0)。
  • 军衔 7/8/10 级护甲不再是唯一的,允许玩家购买同一物品的多个。
  • 即将推出的 军衔12/13 级护甲也将不再唯一。


Today, we updated the 1.15.4 PTR with a new build that includes changes to classes and items, as well as several bug fixes.

PvP Damage Reduction: Players now take 30% reduced Physical damage from other players and pets (was 20%) and 40% reduced Magic damage from other players and pets (was 20%).

The Nature’s Reach talent will now correctly increase the range of Starfall by 10%/20%.
This increases the range to 36 yards, or 21 yards when the Idol of Celestial Focus is equipped.
Tier 2 Balance 6-piece bonus: Increased to 50% chance on Wrath crit.
Tier 2 Balance 4-piece bonus: Chance to trigger increased and duration of treants increased to 15 seconds.
Elune’s Fires: This rune now increases the duration of Rip when Shred is used by 1 second (was 2 seconds).
Tier 2 Feral Damage 6-piece bonus: Now also increases the damage of Ferocious Bite on targets afflicted by the Druid’s Bleed effects.
Tier 2 Balance Druid 4-piece can no longer proc when treants are already active.
This would not summon new Treants, but it would put the proc on internal cooldown.
Dreamstate and Stormstrike’s Nature Damage increasing effects no longer stack.

Tier 2 Melee Hunter 4-piece set bonus changed to increase damage dealt by your main hand weapon with Raptor Strike and Wyvern Strike by 20% (was 5% increased main-hand weapon damage).
Fire and Frost Specialization ring runes now respectively increase your chance to land your Fire and Frost traps by 6% as well.
Tier 2 Hunter Melee 2-piece set now increases the DoT from Wyvern Strike.
Tier 2 Hunter Melee 2-piece set bonus Clever Strikes is no longer consumed by Wing Clip.
Tier 2 Hunter Melee 2-piece set bonus Clever Strikes now benefits and is consumed by Carve.
Tier 2 Hunter Ranged 6-piece set now correctly adds ap to Serpent Sting when refreshed by Chimera Shot.
Tier 1 Hunter Ranged 6-piece set now correctly benefits Explosive Shot.

Tier 2 healer 6-piece bonus: Duration on Temporal Beacon from Mass Regeneration changed to 21 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Tier 2 damage 6-piece bonus: Your Fireball’s periodic effect gains increased damage over its duration equal to 40% of its impact damage (was 20%).

Without the 6-piece Tier 1 set bonus, you can no longer double Judge.
Judging while two seals are active during the brief window when swapping seals, will now always cause the lower duration seal to be judged, instead of randomly consuming one of the two seals.
Libram of Wrath changed to only gain stacks when Holy Shock deals damage. No longer stacks from healing.
Libram of Wrath damage per stack changed to 20% (was 30%).
Libram of Avengement renamed to Libram of Avenging.
Ada’s amulet has the Paladin specific flag added to it to indicate it is only obtainable by Paladins.
The proc chance on Truthbearer, both the MH and 1-handed versions, has been increased.
Chromaggus, Death Talon Wyrmguards, and Death Talon Overseets will now always take full damage from Holy damage.
Tier 2 damage Paladin 4-piece set bonus changed to: reduces the cooldown on Judgement by 5 seconds (was: resetting the cooldown on Judgement whenever you judge a different seal than your previous one).
Tier 2 Holy Paladin 2-piece critical strike chance of Holy Shock reduced to 5% (was 20%).
Infusion of Light: This rune now reduces the remaining cooldown on Holy Shock by 3 seconds on a critical strike (was: resetting it completely).
Libram of Awe had an issue where it was not correctly reducing the damage of Holy Shock by 75%. In order to prevent it from incorrectly being an additive bonus, Libram of Awe now reduces all Holy damage dealt by 75% while equipped, making this a pure healing Libram as is intended.

The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar shielding reduced to 25 (was 50).
Priest 5 set Zul’gurub bonus reduced from 20% to 10% bonus to shielding.
Vampiric Embrace: In Season of Discovery, this talent now heals for 5% of Shadow damage done (was 10%). It can still be increased to 15% via other talents.
Tier 2 Shadow 4-piece bonus: Now has a 1% chance per talent point in Spirit Tap (was 0.5%)
Tier 2 Shadow 6-piece bonus: Now increases all Shadow damage done by 10% (was 20% to periodic damage only).
Tier 2 Shadow Priest 6-piece bonus is now removed when the set is broken.
Known Issue: This set can be activated by killing a critter that has Shadow Word: Pain active. This will be removed.

Tier 2 damage Rogue 4-piece set bonus changed to: Increases damage dealt by your main hand weapon from combo-generating abilities by 20% (was 10% increased main-hand weapon damage).
Main Gauche: This ability must now actually hit to grant its bonuses to Parry chance and Attack Power.
Slaughter from the Shadows: Now increases the damage of Backstab and Ambush by 50% to non-players (was 60%).
Crimson Tempest can no longer pull enemies from far away.
Dream Eater no longer procs twice every time it activates.
Dream Eater no longer grants 10 energy per target hit by Crimson Tempest.

Elemental Focus can now normally proc off Overload hits.
Totem of Tormented Ancestry realigned budget wise to be 10 attack power, spell power, and healing (was 15 of each).
Tier 2 Elemental Shaman 6-piece set bonus changed to 10% increased damage while Clearcasting is on (was 10% increased damage against targets when a spell has clearcasting (30% against non-player controlled targets)). This allows for more effects like Overload to benefit from this bonus. No longer has a different value vs. non-player controlled targets, so less power is tied to a set bonus.
Tier 2 Elemental Shaman 2-piece set bonus will now activate off of crits from Overload.
Tier 2 Enhancement Shaman 2-piece changed to: Your chance to trigger Static Shock is increased by 12% (6% while dual-wielding)(was: increasing the frequency of Maelstrom Weapon).
Tier 2 Enhancement Shaman 6-piece changed to: Your Lightning Shield now gains a charge each time you hit a target with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning, up to a maximum of 9 charges (was: grants a stack of Maelstrom Weapon after casting an instant cast spell with Maelstrom Weapon). Additionally, your Lightning Shield can now deal critical damage.
Burn: This rune now requires Flametongue on main hand weapon to grant its spell damage. It also now grants 1 spell damage per intellect (was 2 per level).
Tier 2 Restoration Shaman 2-piece set bonus will no longer trigger from Healing Rain.
Tier 1 Restoration Shaman 6-piece set bonus no longer synergizes with Overload and procs multiple full value Healing Waves when triggered, that can proc other Healing Waves that also had chances to activate Overload.

Demonic Pact: This rune now also increases all Fire damage done by the Warlock by 10%.
Known issue: This will be changed to 10% to all damage (was just Fire damage).
Tier 1 Warlock Damage 6-piece bonus: Partially Redesigned. Fire Trance has been removed, and now Incinerate has a 4% chance to trigger the Warlock’s Decimation regardless of the health of the target.
Incinerate now increases Fire damage by 40% (was 25%).
In an upcoming PTR build, the Mark of Chaos and Decimation runes are swapping places.
Shadow Vulnerability applied by Warlocks with Shadowflame engraved, can now correctly be refreshed back to 30 stacks without having to fall off first.
Tier 1 damage Warlock 4-piece set bonus now correctly resets the cooldown on Shadow Cleave.
Tier 1 damage Warlock 4-piece set bonus is now correctly consumed by casts of Shadow Bolt.
When unequipping the Zul’gurub 5-piece Warlock set, the player no longer retains the increased Master Demonologist bonuses.
The Zul’gurub 5-piece Warlock set now correctly increases the threat of Master Demonologist while in Metamorphosis.
Known issue: This only works with Felguard, does not work with Imp at the moment.
Tier 2 tank Warlock 2 set no longer ignores line of sight.
Tier 2 tank Warlock 2 set can no longer crit.
Tier 2 tank Warlock 2 set no longer causes Life Tap to be free if you are more than 30 yards from your target.

Greaves of Wrath changed to 26 strength, 16 agility, 13 stamina, 10 Nature Resistance, 1% hit (was 26 strength, 16 stamina, 10 Nature Resistance, 1% crit).
Shoulders of Wrath changed to 27 strength, 14 agility, 12 stamina, 10 Frost Resistance, 1% hit (was 27 strength, 16 stamina, 10 Frost Resistance, 1% crit).
Tier 1 damage Warrior 4-piece bonus: The duration of the effects from this set bonus is now 15 seconds (was seconds).
Tier 1 damage Warrior 6-piece bonus: The effects from this set bonus are now 5% (was 10%) and lasts 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Tier 2 damage Warrior 4-piece bonus: Now increases the damage of Heroic Strike by 10% (was: increased Whirlwind and made it useable in all stances).
Mandokir’s Sting has a brief internal cooldown on it to prevent back-to-back procs off the same shot.
Nat Pagle’s Fish Terminator proc rate decreased.
Ashkhandi stamina reduced to 23 (was 33), and Strength increased to 20 (was 0).
Rank 7/8/10 Armor pieces are no longer Unique, allowing players to purchase multiples of the same item.
Upcoming Rank 12/13 Armor pieces are also not Unique.[/collapse]

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